这次的招生有点不一样! 除了保持高水准的汽车维修高级技术文凭,本学院也顺应时代推出油电混合汽车维修课程,由业界专才直接培训!毕业生们,还等什么,快联络我们已获取最新的资讯!
2023 new intake is here!! In addition to maintaining a high standard of advanced automotive technology diploma, PSA also launches a HEV (Hybrid) vehicle maintenance course, the course is directly trained by professionals in the HEV industry! Graduates, what are you waiting for, contact us to get the latest information!
Call 016-719 9088 for more information, or come visit us at:
17, Persiaran Kilang, Kawasan Perindustrian Jelapang,
30100 Ipoh, Perak.