Pro Skills Academy
Good News!
Pro Skills Academy have provide the Online Service Enquiry.If you are worry to going out ,you still can do the enquiry though online about the Automotive course.
For Automotive courses enquiry, please contact :
Mr Liew 016-746 9088Ms Lee
016-719 9088Mr Toh
016-747 9088.
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PSA 汽 车 技 术 學 院
好消息,Pro Skills Academy有提供线上咨询课程服务。如果你担心外出询问,不用担心,你依然可以通过在线方式查询有关汽车课程的信息。有关专业汽车课程的查询,请联系:
Mr Liew 016-746 9088
Ms Lee 016-719 9088
Mr Toh 016-747 9088
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